

Tree Wellness

Closeup of Psyllids

Arbor-wellness: Psyllids

When large trees lose their leaves in mid-summer, we tend to panic, and often for good reason. We tend to think of water problems or diseases as the main cause, but sometimes it may be a small insect that is hard to spot. Psyllids are small insects that suck plant juices and excrete sticky honeydew on which blackish sooty mold grows. Some species secrete pale or white wax masses, pellets, strands, or coverings called lerps. They affect many species of trees in our region, but the most common are Eucalyptus, peppertree, citrus, acacia, laurel and tipu or rosewood.

My eucalyptus trees are losing lots of leaves, what could be wrong?

There are several reasons why eucalyptus leaves drop their leaves in large amounts. If you see small, whitish “caps” on the leaves, this is a type of “psyllid” called “redgum lerp psyllid”. This is one many psyllid types that are common in our region.

What other damage can psyllids cause?

High psyllid populations reduce plant growth and cause tip damage, discoloration or dieback. Certain species can cause premature leaf drop. Excessive honeydew creates a sticky mess on cars and surfaces below trees.

Do psyllids damage other trees in my landscape?

There are over 160 psyllid species that occurs on landscape plants in California. Each kind of psyllid feeds only on one plant species or one closely related group of plants. Most psyllids native to California are relatively uncommon and rarely become pests. But some can cause extensive damage. These are generally psyllids that have become pests on trees that are originally from other countries. The most important tree damaging psyllids occur on acacia, eucalyptus, olive, peppertree, laurel and citrus.

I’ve heard about citrus trees dying or being taken out, is this the problem with them?

Well, sort of. A relatively new psyllid pest (Asian citrus psyllid) has been introduced into parts of California. The insect itself doesn’t kill citrus trees, but it can introduce a disease called “Citrus Greening” that is essentially fatal to them. If allowed to become widespread, it is feared the California citrus industry will be wiped out. Currently, the agencies involved are heavily involved in scouting, insect control and plant removal efforts in regions that are most affected. Being vigilant about scouting and controlling this pest when found is very critical.

What can I do?

Your Arborwell arborist can identify locations where Asian citrus psyllid, Redgum lerp psyllid (or other types) are doing the most damage and recommend a treatment program to recover your trees and to keep them healthy. They can also recommend a proper plan for citrus trees on your property if you are close to an area affected by Asian citrus psyllid.

Fill out the form below to contact an Arborwell arborist and find out more about Psyllids and what we recommend for preventing damage and for helping trees recover if they have been attacked by high populations of Psyllids.

arborist, eucalyptus, insect, preventative tree care, psyllids, tree care

certified arborist

Request Tree Loss Reports in Storm Season

Big storms can be rough on your trees and cause issues that result in tree loss or heavy damage to trees. It is likely you will need to request tree loss reports during storm season and for that you require the help of one of our ISA certified arborists. At Arborwell Professional Tree Management, we can provide you with professional tree care and assessment to make sure your property recovers after storm season.

In Sacramento, San Diego and Seattle, our arborists can assess the trees on your commercial property or estate and provide you with arborist reports, which will help you to understand your options following damaging storms.

Why are tree loss reports important?

Our goal is to help your trees recover after they are damaged, and that’s why requesting a tree loss report is important for your property. These reports can help you to understand what damage storm season has done to your trees, what steps you need to take to recover and estimate what the cost of recovery is.

Most commonly people associate storms with broken branches and uprooted trees, but they can also cause fires, exacerbate disease and instigate other accidents. A report from a certified arborist does more than just inform you of the damage on your property, it can also be:

  • A way to obtain a permit for cases where you need tree removal. Many cities have strict removal laws that require official arborist reports.
  • An important document for insurance claim purposes.

When your property has been hit with a storm, Arborwell is here to help you recover with professional care from our certified arborists. We will nurse the trees your property back to health when we can, acquire permits for removal when there is no other solution, and safely remove trees that can not be revived.

Arborwell looks after you

Storms in the Seattle, San Diego and Sacramento areas can wreak havoc on the trees on your property. Let Arborwell Professional Tree Management be there for you when you need to request a tree loss report in storm season. Our ISA certified arborists will provide you with detailed, professional reports and help the trees on your commercial property regain their health and beauty. Call us today at or click here to visit us online and request an arborist report.

arborist, damage, reports, storm, trees

Tree Care Experts

Commercial Tree Care Vs. Residential Tree Care

Your trees have the potential to be one of the most beautiful parts of your landscape, so its important that you take care of them. As a commercial tree care company, Arborwell Professional Tree Management has ISA-certified arborists that have the experience, knowledge and equipment to keep your trees healthy.

Often, those who have little knowledge of trees hire themselves out for residential tree care (handymen, guy with a pickup and a chainsaw etc.). It also may be tempting to take care of your trees yourself or with the help of an employee, but it can be a tricky and sometimes dangerous task. Arborwell serves HOAs, estates and commercial properties and can deal with all tree-related issues that arise, safely and efficiently!

We do it all when it comes to trees

Founded in 2001 in Castro Valley, Arborwell has grown exponentially over the past 2 decades thanks to our dedication to providing quality services. We now have over 200 employees and 60 vehicles, and offer tree care services all over California and in the Seattle area, including:

  • Arborist reports. Most city authorities require an arborist report before you can remove a dead or dangerous tree. Our experts can provide these reports, so you can move ahead with your landscaping plans.
  • Tree health care plans. We assess the trees on your property and devise short and long-term health plans so that they will continue to grow unhindered by disease and pests.
  • Tree replacement and removal. This can be a dangerous task and it’s one we have the proper equipment and experience for. Don’t put yourself or your employees in a dangerous situation – leave it to the experts!
  • Tree trimming. This requires more than just chopping branches off. A professional arborist knows how to trim a tree so that it looks good and promotes new growth.

Your commercial tree care experts

Arborwell Professional Tree Management is the commercial tree care company to turn to when you need help with the trees on your property. Tree care can be incredibly difficult and relying on residential care or you and your own employees can lead to disastrous and sometimes dangerous results.

We have a wide array of equipment that is appropriate working on large properties across California and in the Seattle area and we have the experts that know how to use it. If you are considering using a commercial tree care team and not relying on residential tree care, then Arborwell is the right choice! Click here to visit us online and request an estimate or call us today at .

arborist, tree care, trees

tree service budgeting

Large Tree Care Challenges

The Challenges of Large Tree Care

A large, well established tree can present many challenges that the average person may not be aware of. Arborwell Professional Tree Management has ISA Certified Arborists that know how to address the needs of mature trees and can help you maintain these beautiful works of nature.

When it comes to large tree care, trust Arborwell to keep your trees healthy and looking their best. We know the challenges they can pose, and our experts have the experience to care for your trees.

Tree Trimming Is Crucial

With larger trees always keep in mind your local tree requirements. Trees must be trimmed to a certain distance from sidewalks, driveways and especially electrical lines. If a tree is planted too close to these things and it can’t be fixed through trimming, it may need to be moved to a new location. Our arborists in your area can educate you on local requirements and what options are available.

Its also important to know that mature trees require regular trimming to get rid of dead branches, diseased areas and to make room for new growth. With larger trees, it is vital to maintain the weight of branches. Trimming can help to avoid snapping and breaking of larger branches. Arborwell arborists know how to properly trim trees so they stay at optimal health.

Be Smart with Water Use

There is a big difference between the water needs of young trees vs old trees. While a young tree needs frequent watering as it is growing very quickly, larger trees benefit from less frequent, yet deep and soaking irrigation. The best form of irrigation for a large tree is soaker hoses, which provide slow watering. Speak with our arborists about what type of irrigation is best for your tree.

Be Vigilant about Pest Control

Large trees have much more foliage than smaller trees and it can take longer to notice pest infestations. Because larger trees grow much slower and it can be more difficult to identify pests, there is a greater chance of devastating infestations. Our arborists know how to identify and prevent pests from damaging your trees.

Choose Arborwell For Your Large Tree Care Needs

Arborwell Professional Tree Management knows how to take care of your mature trees. We know that larger trees can have a unique set of challenges and we want to educate you on how to properly take care of them. Call us today at or click here to visit us online and request an estimate.

large trees, pest control, tree health, tree root management, tree trimming

What Do Trees Have to Do with Landscaping?

Trees are an incredible asset to any landscape. They benefit our communities and environment by cleaning the air, providing protection from the elements and creating jobs. The next time you’re out, take a few minutes to appreciate the beauty of your neighborhood’s trees.

Let’s discuss the main reasons why trees are important for landscaping. You will be surprised at how much these plants have to offer our health, wellness and environment.

Trees are Aesthetically Appealing

Trees are visually beautiful. Some have lived on our planet for thousands of years and tell stories through their branches, leaves and bark. Some families plant trees for sentimental reasons, such as the birth of a child or the death of a loved one. As the tree grows, it represents that individual. Trees are alive, which adds to their beauty and tranquility.

They Provide Privacy and Sun Protection

Many homes today are built in busy neighborhoods, and the best way to create shade and privacy is by planting trees. Their structure blocks noise, light and unsightly views. Plus, their shade protects people from the sun’s rays and helps homes and businesses consume less energy. By planting trees strategically, homeowners can enjoy more private, efficient homes.

They are Natural Food Producers

Thanks to fruit-bearing trees, both humans and animals can have fresh food to eat. Some of the most popular tree-borne foods in California include apples, cherries and citrus fruits like oranges, lemons and limes. Even in the winter, some trees continue to produce nuts, flowers and berries for birds and other wildlife.

Trees are Homes for Animals (and Children!)

Trees provide shelter to many different animals. Birds build nests on their sturdy branches, while squirrels build dens or dreys in which to raise their young. In fact, some animals need the forest to survive, including the tree kangaroo, pandas and orangutans (although you won’t find these in our California trees!). Kids, too, love to use trees to build treehouses and forts.

Cleaner Air and Water

Trees absorb pollutants and convert carbon dioxide into oxygen. Perhaps that’s why deep breathing is often associated with trees and nature. Moreover, trees prevent water evaporation and decrease water runoff. These benefits work together to produce healthy water with fewer pollutants and reduce flood damage and erosion.

There is no question that trees are an essential part of human life and existence. The next time you are looking to spruce up your yard, look no further than planting a new tree! For questions or information in regards to removing, replanting or managing the trees in your landscape, contact Arborwell today at or fill out our contact form.

landscaping, trees

plant wellness programs seattle

What Does An Arboriculturist Do?

Let’s answer a common question: what does an arboriculturist do?

An Arborwell arboriculturist, also known as an arborist, studies and manages the health of trees. Their focus differs from that of other tree professionals, such as foresters, who concentrate on the management of large areas of trees.

Arborists are essential to Arborwell’s mission of preserving trees in our service areas. Conditions in urban areas stress trees. Pollution, compacted soil, traffic collisions, and root restrictions because of building foundations, roadways and underground pipes all reduce the lifespan of a tree in the city.

An arborist helps a tree thrive despite these conditions. Experienced arborists are skilled at evaluating trees by inspecting growth rate, leaf color, peeling bark, signs of mildew, growths, and oozing fluid.

They then devise a plan to bring the tree back to robust health. Strong trees are important chiefly because of their environmental benefits, which include:

  • Producing oxygen. An acre of trees produces enough oxygen for 18 people in a year.
  • Absorbing pollution. Trees act as filters, removing odors, particulates, and gases such as nitrogen oxide from our air.
  • Providing shade. The urban tree canopy shields us from ultraviolet rays while cooling our buildings and streets.
  • Slowing runoff. When it rains, trees slow water runoff, preventing soil erosion and allowing moisture to seep into the ground.
  • Creating homes for wildlife. Insects such as bees, squirrels, birds, possums, and other animals live in our trees and keep the ecology in balance.

Beyond the environment, trees also increase property values by adding beauty to city lots and streets and improve the attitudes of humans. Neighborhoods that are well-landscaped with trees have been shown to experience lower crime rates than barren neighborhoods.

Arborwell arborists also consider the conditions of the city in which they practice. An arborist in Sacramento, for example, looks for indications the tree is getting enough water in periods of drought. Our arborists in Seattle guard against tree diseases that exist in the northwest’s cool, moist climate.

How a Skilled Arborist Cares for Trees

Arborwell arborists in Oakland and the East Bay, San Diego, the San Francisco Peninsula, Seattle, Sacramento, and Seattle care for all types of tree species. They are experts in the areas of:

  • Trimming a tree is a science and an art. Precision cutting of branches removes dead wood, promotes growth, and gives a tree an appealing shape. 
  • A planting location must meet a tree’s soil, moisture, and sun needs, as well as provide enough space for roots and the canopy spread. 
  • Providing adequate moisture, periodic fertilization, and immediate attention to any damage keeps a tree looking beautiful and helps fight off diseases. 
  • As a last resort, removing a tree may be sometimes be necessary. An arborist knows how to take down a tree safely and quickly when branches or roots interfere with structures or lightning, wind, vehicle collisions, or disease cause irreparable damage.

Call Arborwell For Skilled Tree Care

We hope this blog post has answered the question, what does an arboriculturist do? Put our skilled arborists to work on your property. Call today to schedule a consultation.

arborculturist, arborist, tree management

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