
plant wellness

What Is an Arboriculturist?

Though many people are aware that an arborist takes care of trees, they may not know that arborists are people who have studied the science of arboriculture. Arboriculture refers to the careful selection, planting and management of trees and shrubs. An arboriculturist, also known as an arborist, is a professional tree carer who utilizes specific methods to ensure that the trees in their care are happy and healthy.

Arborwell Professional Tree Management employs certified arborists who use arboriculture practices when caring for the trees on your commercial property. Our experts use these scientifically sound practices to ensure that your trees are cared for through every stage of their long lives.

What does an arboriculturist do?

An arboriculturist adheres to key values when it comes to taking care of trees. They are important factors in creating an environment in which your trees can thrive. When an arboriculturist cares for your trees, they will follow these values:

  • Choose a healthy sapling. An arboriculturist doesn’t want to start on the wrong foot. They will help to select the healthiest sapling that will grow into a strong tree. An unhealthy sapling may grow to be an unhealthy tree and lead to future headaches for you.
  • Be aware of the environment the tree is living in. Selecting the right tree for your environment can be the difference between life and death for that tree. An arboriculturist must be aware of the climate challenges that make up the environment and carefully select the right type of tree to thrive in those conditions.
  • Change the type of care as the tree grows. A young tree requires vastly different care than a well-established tree. Saplings grow at an intense pace and need help with maintaining a strong structure, while older trees require less hands-on care and more preventative measures.
  • Have a strong base of tree biology knowledge. If arboriculture was easy, everyone would be doing it. An arboriculturist must have extensive knowledge of the biological functions and requirements of trees in order to create wellness and management plans.
  • Employ preventative care. An established tree with a strong base looks as though it can survive any challenge. But trees are very sensitive to change, whether it be because of disease, pests, or weather changes. Arboriculturists use wellness plans as preventative measures to ensure that a tree is as stress-free as possible.

Arborwell can help your trees thrive

Arborists at Arborwell use these arboriculture methods when taking care of your trees. Our experts can explain what an arboriculturist does and share their knowledge to the benefit of your commercial property. Click here to request an arborist assessment with one of our experts or call us at today.

arborculturist, plant health, tree care, tree management

plant wellness programs seattle

What Does An Arboriculturist Do?

Let’s answer a common question: what does an arboriculturist do?

An Arborwell arboriculturist, also known as an arborist, studies and manages the health of trees. Their focus differs from that of other tree professionals, such as foresters, who concentrate on the management of large areas of trees.

Arborists are essential to Arborwell’s mission of preserving trees in our service areas. Conditions in urban areas stress trees. Pollution, compacted soil, traffic collisions, and root restrictions because of building foundations, roadways and underground pipes all reduce the lifespan of a tree in the city.

An arborist helps a tree thrive despite these conditions. Experienced arborists are skilled at evaluating trees by inspecting growth rate, leaf color, peeling bark, signs of mildew, growths, and oozing fluid.

They then devise a plan to bring the tree back to robust health. Strong trees are important chiefly because of their environmental benefits, which include:

  • Producing oxygen. An acre of trees produces enough oxygen for 18 people in a year.
  • Absorbing pollution. Trees act as filters, removing odors, particulates, and gases such as nitrogen oxide from our air.
  • Providing shade. The urban tree canopy shields us from ultraviolet rays while cooling our buildings and streets.
  • Slowing runoff. When it rains, trees slow water runoff, preventing soil erosion and allowing moisture to seep into the ground.
  • Creating homes for wildlife. Insects such as bees, squirrels, birds, possums, and other animals live in our trees and keep the ecology in balance.

Beyond the environment, trees also increase property values by adding beauty to city lots and streets and improve the attitudes of humans. Neighborhoods that are well-landscaped with trees have been shown to experience lower crime rates than barren neighborhoods.

Arborwell arborists also consider the conditions of the city in which they practice. An arborist in Sacramento, for example, looks for indications the tree is getting enough water in periods of drought. Our arborists in Seattle guard against tree diseases that exist in the northwest’s cool, moist climate.

How a Skilled Arborist Cares for Trees

Arborwell arborists in Oakland and the East Bay, San Diego, the San Francisco Peninsula, Seattle, Sacramento, and Seattle care for all types of tree species. They are experts in the areas of:

  • Trimming a tree is a science and an art. Precision cutting of branches removes dead wood, promotes growth, and gives a tree an appealing shape. 
  • A planting location must meet a tree’s soil, moisture, and sun needs, as well as provide enough space for roots and the canopy spread. 
  • Providing adequate moisture, periodic fertilization, and immediate attention to any damage keeps a tree looking beautiful and helps fight off diseases. 
  • As a last resort, removing a tree may be sometimes be necessary. An arborist knows how to take down a tree safely and quickly when branches or roots interfere with structures or lightning, wind, vehicle collisions, or disease cause irreparable damage.

Call Arborwell For Skilled Tree Care

We hope this blog post has answered the question, what does an arboriculturist do? Put our skilled arborists to work on your property. Call today to schedule a consultation.

arborculturist, arborist, tree management

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